OLOR Series: | Research in Online Literacy Education |
Author(s): | Yvonne Cleary, Rich Rice, Pavel Zemlianksy, Kirk St.Amant and Jessie C. Borgman |
Original Publication Date: | January 2019 |
Permalink: |
<gsole.org/olor/role/vol2.iss1.a> |
Global online access has increased rapidly in the last decade, and online education has become increasingly international as a result. The challenge for writing instructors becomes addressing this new educational environment to offer effective education to globally distributed student in online classes. The four plenary speakers at the 2018 inaugural GSOLE conference discussed this context and presented ideas and opinions on this topic. This editorial is a summary of that conversation.
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[1] Global online access has grown by almost 900% since the year 2000, and roughly 2.5 billion persons worldwide have gained online access in the last decade (The 2006 Year-End Stats, 2009; Internet Usage Statistics, 2016). These gains in online access have brought with them new opportunities for and increased interest in expanding online education internationally. In some cases, this potential is reflected by the growing number of students pursuing online education in different nations; for example, some sources note the number of online students in the People’s Republic of China is well over 70 million and growing (CWI Team, 2016). In other cases, this interest led to the forging of international collaborations that were related to developing online education options in different regions—as seen in the Indian government’s partnering with the U.S.-based organization, edX, to increase online course offerings to Indian citizens (India Brand Equity Foundation, 2016).
[2] With the global online education market projected to be worth US$275.10 billion by 2022, interest in exploring international options for online education will certainly continue to grow (Reuters, 2017). The challenge for online educators is to understand the dynamics of the expanding and evolving nature of international online education in order to develop approaches focused on offering effective instruction in such environments (St.Amant & Rice, 2015; St.Amant, 2017). The desire to examine such contexts became a focus of the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators’ (GSOLE) first international online conference.
[3] In January 2018, GSOLE held its first online conference to examine aspects of teaching writing in digital spaces. Conference planners quickly identified the global dynamics of online education as an important area of focus for the event. To this end, the planning committee organized a conference plenary panel in which educators from different national, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds shared ideas, experiences, and perspectives on the current—and projected—nature of online education in writing-related disciplines. The objective was to have panel members respond to questions that examined current dynamics and prospective trends in global contexts of online education. In so doing, a panel moderator also asked participants to provide suggestions and share approaches other educators could use to better understand and provide effective instruction in such international environments. This entry contains the responses plenary panel speakers provided during that session.
[4] The individuals who participated in the plenary session at the inaugural GSOLE conference were as follows:
[5] Yvonne Cleary, Lecturer in Technical Communication and Instructional Design at the University of Limerick, Ireland. She is program director for the MA in Technical Communication and E-Learning, a hybrid online/on-campus graduate program. She has taught online technical communication courses since 2001.
[6] Rich Rice, Professor of English in the Technical Communication and Rhetoric program at Texas Tech University, specializing in composition and rhetoric, new media, and intercultural studies. As a Fulbright-Nehru Scholar, he has taught and researched study abroad support systems and glocal communication in India. Recent research topics include online writing, multimodal composing, and intercultural communication competence. His most recent publication is a co-edited book called Thinking Globally, Composing Locally: Rethinking Online Writing in the Age of the Global Internet (2018).
[7] Pavel Zemliansky, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at the Oslo Metropolitan University. He has taught online and mixed-mode courses in writing, rhetoric, and professional communication at the undergraduate and graduate levels at three different institutions for about 15 years. He has taught several online professional writing projects, which have involved students from the U.S. and Ukraine. He has also researched and published on international education.
[8] Kirk St. Amant, Professor and the Eunice C. Williamson Chair in Technical Communication at Louisiana Tech University. He has been a long-time researcher in the area of international online education and has taught online and hybrid classes in Belize, China, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, and the United States.
[9] Conference organizers identified these individuals as teacher-scholars who have frequently taught in and done research on the internationalization of writing education in online environments. Each participant has experience in teaching online writing-related courses or developing online writing-focused courses and curricula in different international settings.
[10] The session was moderated by Jessie Borgman, co-creator of The Online Writing Instruction Community.
[11] For the session, presenters were provided with a list of five questions they would be asked to respond to during the plenary, and the idea was to provide attendees with multiple perspectives on topics related to the globalization of online writing education. These questions were organized to address five broad, overarching categories associated with providing online writing instruction in different international contexts. These five areas were as follows:
Potentials—To explore potential benefits of online education to greater global environments
Challenges—To identify factors affecting or impeding online instruction in international contexts
Development—To note aspects that might affect future opportunities and practices in this area
Strategies—To present suggestions for providing online writing instruction in such global spaces
Projections—To offer final thoughts, insights, or recommendations on this topic area
This entry contains their responses to these plenary session questions.
[12] The topics covered by these individuals were broad in nature and general in scope. The idea was to create a foundation from which educators and researchers in writing studies could examine, plan for, and participate in the global development of online writing education. To this end, readers are encouraged to consider how they might apply, test, or build upon the ideas presented here to expand our understanding of and practices related to teaching writing in global online spaces.
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