8. Lessons Learned
[22] The author has previously taught a number of technical communication classes – including usability – online via a range of learning management systems and other technologies (e.g. WebEx and Adobe Connect). He has also used Skype as a technology for guest lecturing in individual class sessions for courses taught by colleagues in the US. The class reported on here, however, represents his first attempt to engage in a synchronous class session via rich media/VOIP in an international context. It also represents his first attempt to use Skype as the primary technology of instruction for all class meetings vs. as a technology that occasionally supplemented other systems (e.g., in addition to a text-based class chat or discussion board). Thus, the class described here represents the author’s attempt to pilot distributed localized instruction.
8.1 Benefits of Using Skype in International Online Contexts
[23] Overall, the distributed localized instruction process worked quite well. The benefits of using the technology included the following:
- Students and instructor were able to interact with a level of directness and immediacy that closely paralleled an on-site class meeting in real time.
- The audio and video based allowances of Skype permitted more natural interactions involving multiple channels of communication (i.e., verbal and non-verbal cues and elements) than might have been possible in exclusively text-based synchronous exchanges.
- Skype allowed participants to effectively interact in relation to turn taking and sharing ideas. (This is as opposed to multiple parties typing and posting at once and in a way that could lead to confusion over what topic the group was discussing at one time.).
- The ability to engage in group discussions, facilitate in-class activities, and address student questions in a way that allowed all participants to hear both the question and the answer at one time closely mirrored on-site instruction. For the author, this particular benefit seemed to contribute to effective class-related interactions, discussions, and activities.
Based on these factors, the author/instructor plans to use Skype in the future to engage in other kinds of distributed localized instruction for internationally distributed online classes.
[24] The author would also recommend others consider using Skype in similar ways when teaching online. This endorsement is particularly the case for international contexts. In such situations, the ability to more closely mirror synchronous on-site instruction can help with the identification and addressing various cultural expectations during class interact – vs. learning about them and attempting to address them in time-delayed interactions associated with asynchronous approaches. (These delays can allow prospective problems to grow, cause other problems, and contribute to confusion if not addressed relatively quickly in the educational process.)
8.2 Limitations to Consider and Address
[25] While the author found Skype to be an effective technology for teaching in international online spaces, it was not perfect. Rather, certain aspects of the technology affected interactions and needed to be addressed to maintain effective instruction during the class – both individual class meetings and the overall duration of the course. These factors where those Skype users may have previously experienced. Their occurrence or presence in the context of distributed localized instruction, however, had implications for providing instruction in international online spaces.
[26] Through this pilot class with Southeast University, the author identified three particular areas online instructors need to be aware of and address should they use Skype to conduct distributed localized instruction in their classes. Those three areas are:
- Awareness of international context
- Backup process in place
- Compression of visual displays
Each area is examined here in terms of what it entails, how it affects instruction, and prospective strategies – based on the author’s experiences – for addressing such items.
[27] 8.2.1 Awareness of International Context.
One of the more surprising – and problematic – aspects of using Skype is forgetting instructor and audience are from and exist in two different cultural and national contexts. When one travels to another part of the world to interact with individuals there, the surrounding context provides constant – be it often subtle – reminder that one is interacting in a different culture with individuals from that culture. Ideally, the individual uses that knowledge to guide how he or she interact with persons there, and ideally, uses that information to guide behavior and communication patterns.
[28] In the case of teaching internationally, these behaviors can involve everything from speaking more slowly and clearly to avoiding idiomatic expressions when speaking to the examples one uses to illustrate points. Such approaches focus on mitigating cultural and linguistic issues that can lead to cross-cultural miscommunication.
[29] Skype based instruction can create issues relating to these ideas. In this case, the instructor teaches from the context of her or his native culture – and perhaps the more comfortable spaces in that culture (e.g., one’s home or office). This factor can make it easy for the instructor to forget s/he is communicating with individuals from another culture and in that other culture during the class meeting. Per this factor, a number of potentially problematic features can creep into the session, including
- Speaking more quickly than you might if more aware of being in a physical setting where the participants are ESL speakers with different levels of proficiency in English
- Using idiomatic language to convey ideas (e.g. “it is a home run idea”)
- Invoking cultural specific metaphors to make points or do comparisons (e.g., “Users might behave in a mousy sort of way as they are feeling uncomfortable in such contexts.”)
- Using culture specific examples to illustrate ideas (e.g., “It is like when you are parallel parking your car.”)
All of these factors affect comprehension in a cross-cultural exchange. For this reason, instructors using Skype to engage in distributed localized instruction need to be aware of them.
[30] For this class, the partner instructor in Nanjing made the US-based instructor aware of these factors during a break that took place on the first day of lecture. The two then devised the following approach to address these situations:
- The US-based instructor would stop at regular intervals (e.g., every 7-10 minutes) to
- Ask students if clarification was needed or if there were questions on the materials he had covered
- Ask students if he was speaking too quickly or if he needed to clarify or explain any of the terms or examples he had used
- Create teachable moments by asking students to help address certain items (e.g., asking “Can you help me think of a Chinese example – something you experience in your daily lives – that illustrates this idea?”)
- The Chinese-based partner would use Skype’s messaging function to provide the US-based instructor with regular input on how the lecture was going (e.g., “Please slow down some; you are speaking a little two fast) as the US-based instructor was speaking
Through this combined input from students and from the partnering instructor in China, the US-based instructor was able to manage and mitigate such factors when delivering Skype-based lectures.
[31] 8.2.2 Backup Processes in Place.
While all participants in the US and China could access Skype, the connection was not ideal at all points during a given class meeting. In some cases, the connection would drop and require all parties to re-connect during a given class meeting. In others, the connection would freeze partially (e.g., the video froze but the audio was fine) or completely (i.e., all methods of interaction froze and remained frozen for several minutes). These events often happened at certain points in time (e.g., every 45-60 minutes), but did not happen regularly enough or often enough to identify consistent patterns to address in later classes. However, when such events did happen, they disrupted the flow of the class. Moreover, they often required participants to re-start Skype (and sometimes also re-boot computers), which reduced the already limited class contact time. Additionally, when all participants were able to re-convene on Skype, the US-based instructor had to identify and review ideas covered prior to when the connection failed to make sure those items were covered effectively.
[32] To address these issues, the partnering instructors developed a strategy where, for each class lecture, the US-based instructor
- Created 1-3 “review activities” that asked students to compare the ideas covered in the current class to those covered in a previous class or classes
- Sent these activities to the China-based partner instructor prior to the start of class meeting time each day
If the connection failed or froze for more than 2 minutes on a given day, then all parties (students and instructor) were asked to re-load Skype or re-boot their machines as needed.
[33] While this reloading and re-booting took place, the partner instructor in Nanjing would ask students to engage in the review activities the US-based instructor had previously provided. If students completed one activity before the re-booting process had completed – or if a second reboot was needed – the class could move on to a second (and, if needed, a third) review activity during this time. This process allowed for the maximization of class meeting time while also addressing technical issues. This approach meant that even if individuals needed to re-boot machines multiple times, educational activities could continue during the related “down time.”
[34] As students did these review activities, the partner instructor in Nanjing would email the US-based instructor to let him know
- At what point in the lecture the connection failed (i.e., what topic was being covered and how)
- What review activities the students were doing or had completed during the down time
This approach allowed the US-based instructor to pick up the lecture at the point where the connection had dropped and continue with the lecture – or class activity – by noting how the focus of the lecture connected to ideas students examined when doing review activities. This approach allowed the instructor to maximize instructional time during periods of technology issues.
[35] 8.2.3 Compression of Display Size.
Visuals – particularly slides – can be important teaching aids in many educational contexts. In online environments, they can provide speaker with an additional channel for sharing information with students who otherwise might only have access to the instructor’s words. In terms of international interactions, visuals can help clarify verbal information and address linguistic factors such as what does a given term mean or what idea is a speaker trying to convey when s/he says or types certain things.
[36] Skype’s screen-sharing feature allows online presenters to share slides and integrate visual aids into verbal presentations in real time. In so doing, this feature allows online educators to replicate on-site lectures formats in which the instructor orates ideas while simultaneously showing slides that clarify concepts or illustrate processes. For these reasons, the collaborating instructors agreed that all Skype-based lectures would involve the use of PowerPoint slides – shared with students via Skype’s screen-sharing feature – when giving class lectures or providing information on in-class activities.
[37] This approach, however, had its limitations.
[38] While the US-based instructor could see each presentation slide as an entity that took up his entire computer screen, students saw a much smaller version of that same slide. Because Skype reduces the display of another’s shared screen to an internal window within the Skype interface, the resulting visual occupies, at most, 1/3 of the interface. This factor meant the size of the slides students could actually see was greatly reduced. This situation affected how easily students could read the text on certain slides or see visuals – particularly the finer details of visuals – on shared slides. Such factors thus affected how well students could use such slides to gain additional insights relating to the ideas discussed at a given point during a lecture.
[39] To address this factor, the US-based instructor adopted the following strategies when using slides:
- Using the Skype interface to review all slides in advance of a given lecture to determine what factors were difficult to see when reduced via the Skype. The instructor would then revise such factors and re-test related slides until one could clearly see textual or visual elements on a slide.
- Providing students with copies of lecture slides in advance and numbering these slides (e.g., “Slide 1 of 12,” “Slide 2 of 12,” etc.). The instructor asked students to have these slides ready for viewing at their classroom computers at the start of a given class, for students could then go through the slides – in full size on their desktop or laptop – to better view a slide at its actual size. When the instructor changed slides, he would say the number change in the slide – e.g., “Now, let’s go to Slide 4 of 8”. This approach also allowed all participants to more easily review slides accessed earlier (e.g., “Let’s go back to slide 3 of 9 and review the topic of personas.”).
This approach addressed screen size and readability during classes and provided students with a resource for reviewing lecture materials after a class meeting. Students could also take notes on these slides during the related course lecture to combine all information in one place.