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GSOLE 2025 Conference Portal

Opening Asynchronously February 1, 2025 | Meeting Synchronously February 6-7, 2025

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Below you'll find all you need to get the most out of our 2025 Conference, Humans, Non-Humans, and Humanity, including the following details:

Conference Activities

Screenshot of President's Welcome Video

Welcome and Tour

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View a welcome message from GSOLE President ​Amy Cicchino.

View Program

Conference Program

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The Conference Program includes a list of panels, presentations, and other events.

Information Placard: Literacy word globe overlapping information "i" in black dot

Participation Info

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Learn more about registration, participation options, and ways to engage in the conference.

Praxis Post(er) Placard: A stock image of a conference presentation poster

Asynchronous Presentations & Materials

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Explore the asynchronous interactive presentations.

Visit Lobby in Zoom

Conference Tech and Testimonies Lobby

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Anyone can enter the Zoom Lobby to learn more about GSOLE, ask technology questions, or tell us about your conference experience. The lobby will be available February 6-7, 2025.

Visit presentation rooms

Presentation Rooms

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Hosted by GSOLE, these Zoom rooms will be used for all panel and plenary sessions. These rooms will be available February 6-7, 2025.

Meet Our Plenary Spearkers

Dr. Cat Mahaffey

Opening Plenary, Session 1.1, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm EST (February 6)

Professional Headshot of Cat Mahaffey, a middle aged white woman with short brown hair, glasses, and a bright blue blazer

Cat Mahaffey is a Teaching Professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Studies (WRDS) at UNC Charlotte. She teaches first-year writing and courses such as Digital Design Theory and Practice and The Rhetoric of Digital Design. Her research interests include AI, online privacy, accessibility, digital rhetoric, and technical and professional writing. Her co-authored book, ACCESS: Accessible Course Construction for Every Student’s Success, was published by Routledge in 2024. Her other work and research are published in PARS in Practice: More Resources and Strategies for Online Writing Instructors (2021) and Emerging Technologies in Virtual Learning Environments (2019).

"From Quills to Quantum: AI and the New Digital Divide”

In this plenary session, we will explore the evolution of the digital divide from the 1990s to today, highlighting gaps in computer and internet access and skills. Significant disparities emerged in the 90s and early 2000s largely due to socioeconomic factors, affecting students’ literacy with digital tools. Fear and anxiety about technology also contributed to these gaps. Today, we face new anxieties and a digital divide centered around GenAI. We will discuss AI’s potential to democratize educational resources and support personalized learning, while also addressing the risk of exacerbating existing inequities if not implemented thoughtfully.

Dr. Sarah Z. Johnson

Second Plenary, Session 2.2, 11:15 am - 12:15 pm EST (February 7)

Professional Headshot of Sarah Z. Johnson, a middle aged white woman with long blonde/brown hair
Sarah Z Johnson is the Academic Integrity Officer, Chair of First Year Composition, and Writing Center Director at Madison College in Madison, WI. She is a member of the MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on AI and Writing, and co-chair of the International Writing Center Association [IWCA] genAI Task Force. Sarah has held leadership roles with the Conference on College Composition and Communication [CCCC], Two Year College English Association [TYCA], and National Council of Teachers of English [NCTE]. Her research interests include genAI, writing program administration, state policy, and dual enrollment. Sarah’s most recent publications include chapters in the forthcoming books, Community College 2.0 and Writing Centers and AI as well as articles in TETYC, JWPA, TYCASE Journal, the NCTE Blog, and others.

"Terms of Engagement: Centering a Pedagogy of Hope and Humanity in a Post-GPT World"

This plenary address will examine the difficulties we face as online literacy educators in the age of AI. As a member of the Joint Task Force on AI and Writing and a co-chair of the IWCA AI Task Force, I recognize that many of us are wading through multiple layers of promise, potential harm, and exhausting labor as we engage in this new teaching reality. But our field, our experience and expertise, is more important than it’s ever been. Good online literacy education has always been about building rapport, community, and genuine engagement in virtual spaces. If there’s anyone who can help our field—and, I’d argue, the world—understand how to value the human in an ocean of bot-created prose, we are the ones who can begin to teach others how to center hope and humanity in a post-GPT world.

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