Schedule at a GlanceJanuary 27, 2023 Opening of Asynchronous Engagement February 3, 2023
Synchronous Sessions
Welcome Video from GSOLE President Cat MahaffeyIf the above embedded video does not load, you can also access the recording at <> . |
Block 1: Opening Remarks and First Plenary SessionZoom Moderator: Kenna Grove, Zoom Admin: Meghan Velez Welcome from GSOLE President, Cat Mahaffey Awarding of the first inaugural President’s Service Award "Understanding the Times (and Knowing What to Do):How Culturally Ecologically Rooted Ideologies and PracticesCan Promote Equity and Literacy across K–12 and Higher Education"Dr. Y'Shanda RiveraDirector of Strategy, Research and Partnerships at R City Community Development CenterIf the above embedded video does not load, you can also access the recording at <> |
Block 2: Concurrent Session A
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Moderator: Patrice Johnson, Zoom Admin: Ashleigh Petts
Panel from Auburn University
Katharine H. Brown
Mark Smith
Okunola Odeniyi
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BACK TO SCHEDULE AT A GLANCEModerator: Joel Bergholtz, Zoom Admin: Ashleigh Petts
Panel from GSOLE Research Committee Antony Ricks Purdue University Barbara D'Angelou Arizona State University Jason Snart College of DuPage Aleisha Balestsri College of DuPage Ashlyn Walden University of North Carolina at Charlotte If the above embedded video above does not load, you can also access the recording at <> |
Moderator: Ann Marie Ade, Zoom Admin: Janine Morris
"Fostering Student Agency Through Portfolio-Based Ungrading in Online Writing Classes" Tiffani Tijerina Texas Tech University "Listening to Graduate Student Consultants: Fostering Community through Online Writing Center Training" Janine Morris Nova Southeastern University |
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Praxis Posters are available for full view in the Praxis Poster Hall
Moderator: Janine Morris, Zoom Admin: Elle Tyson
Individual Presenters
"Global English Language Learners
and American Racial Contexts:
Creating Conversations"
Christina Michaud
Boston University
College of Arts and Sciences Writing Program
"Teaching and Learning with the LMS as a Non-Neutral Force in Our Writing Classrooms"
Cat Mahaffey
Jessi Rae Morton
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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Zoom Admin: Ashleigh Petts
Panel Presentation
Tiffany Bourelle
University of New Mexico
Joseph Bartolotta
Hofstra University
Jessie Bonafede
University of New Mexico
Anthony Yarbrough
University of New Mexico
Moderator and Zoom Admin: Cathy Ryan
Panel from The Ohio State University
Catherine Braun
Jessica Riviere
Cathy Ryan
Moderator: Debra Bourdeau, Zoom Admin: Mikala Jones
Individual Presenters "Putting the (Multimodal) Pieces Together: Building a Collaborative, Engaging Asynchronous Classroom" Elyssa Vondra Texas Tech University "Critical Online Engagement in Asynchronous Spaces: Reflections and Suggestions for Teaching an Asynchronous Class on Critical Media Literacy" Sydney Sullivan UC Davis "The Daily Smile: Phatic Contact and Meta-cognition in Asynchronous Instruction" Marc A. Quellette Old Dominion University
Moderator: Mary Lourdes Silva, Zoom Administrator: Elle Tyson
Individual Presenters "Community and Communication in an Online PhD" Julia Romberger Old Dominion University "Using Check-In Surveys to Build Teacher Presence and Community" Traci Gardner Virginia Tech University "Multimodal Approaches to Developing International Graduate Students' Academic Literacy Skills and Cultivating a Community of Learning" Megan Siczek George Washington University
Moderator: Alison Williams, Zoom Admin: Cat Mahaffey
Panel from Arkansas State University
Kristen Ruccio Amy Moody-Qualls Kerri Bennett Leslie Reed
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Moderator: Mikala Jones, Zoom Admin: Christie Bogle
Individual Presenters
"Beyond the 'Typical' Learner:
Transforming First-Year Writing
across Modalities
to Increase Accessibility and Responsiveness"
Angie McKinnon Carter
Utah Valley University
"Hybrid Embodiment:
Creating Access across Pedagogical Modalities"
Molly Ubbesen
University of Minnesota Rochester
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Moderator: Beth Hewett, Zoom Admin: Alison Williams
Panel from Purdue University Global
Sheryl Bone Melissa Scranton Michael Keathley
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Moderator and Zoom Admin: Mikala Jones
Individual Presenters "Academically at Risk:
How Contingent Labor Conditions
Shape Online Corequisite
First-Year Writing Courses"
Alex Evans
University of Cincinnati
"Ghosts in the (Digital) Classroom:
Labor Conditions, Contingent Faculty, and OLE"
Bethany Hellwig
University of Cincinnati
Moderator: Mary Lourdes Silva, Zoom Admin: Vee Kennedy
AAEEBL Digital Ethics Task Force
Amy Cicchino
Theresa Conefrey
Kristina Hoeppner
Megan Mize
Sarah Zurhellen
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Moderator and Zoom Admin: Cat Mahaffey
Panel from Old Dominion University
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Zoom Moderator: Kevin DePew, Zoom Admin: Meghan Velez
Senior Lecturer in the Department of English, Kent State University, Geauga
Celebrating GSOLE Research Grant Winners
Ashlyn Walden
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"Access in Action: Exploring the Labor and Implementation of Accessibility in Course Design"
Jason Snart
Sonia Watson
College of DuPage
"Learning More About 'Effective Practices' in Online Writing Instruction"
Closing Remarks
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Janine Morris
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Tiffani Tijerina
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Anne Wheeler, Sherri VandenAkker, and Jill Giebutowski
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Chrystal Trapani and Kristin White
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Mohamed Yacoub and Youssef YaKoub
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2023 ePortfolio GalleryNavigating Through Modalities: An ePortfolio for F2f, Hybrid, and Online CoursesSarah Faye If the embedded video below does not play properly, you can view it at this address outside the GSOLE domain: <> Inclusive, Engaging, and Empathetic Online Writing Instruction: An ePortfolioMadeline CrozierClicking on the image below will open the following video in a new window: <> |
We want to thank our hardworking committee members because without their labor, expertise, and generosity, this conference would not be possible.
Ann Marie Ade
Assistant Professor of the Practice, English, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide Proposal Scoring & Praxis Poster Liaison and Roundtable Moderator Justin Cary Senior Lecturer, Department of Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Studies (WRDS), University of North Carolina, CharlotteSocial Media and Promotion Nikki Chasteen
Assistant Director, Nova Southeastern University Writing & Communication Center Proposal Scoring, ePortfolio Liaison, Zoom Moderator and admin, GSOLE Membership Officer Amy Cicchino Associate Director, Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Co-Chair, CFP, Proposal Scoring, IDEA, Plenary Recruitment & Liaison, Program & Schedule, Website Maintenance Jennifer M. Cunningham
Associate Professor of English, Kent State University Proposal Scoring and Program & Schedule Kevin DePew Associate Professor of Writing Studies, Old Dominion University IDEA, Plenary Recruitment & Liaison Theresa Evans Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of English, Miami University of Ohio Co-Chair, CFP, IDEA, Program & Schedule, Website Management, Post-Conference Archivist Patrice Johnson English/DIRW Faculty, Dallas College Proposal Scoring, Zoom Administration and Moderation volunteer Sarah Lacy Lecturer of English, Old Dominion University Proposal Scoring & Panel Moderator | Mikala Jones Instructor of English, Young Harris College Post-Conference Archivist, Panel Moderator, Zoom Administrator Cat Mahaffey Teaching Professor, Department of Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Studies (WRDS), University of North Carolina, Charlotte Conference Advisor (Past Chair), Opening and Closing Comments; Awards Presentation Janine Morris Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts, Nova Southeastern University Proposal Scoring, Plenary Recruitment, Zoom Moderator, GSOLE Affiliates co-liaison Beatrice Mendez Newman Professor, Department of Writing and Language Studies, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Presenter; Conference Committee: Proposal Scoring and Plenary Speaker Recruitment Ashleigh Petts Assistant Professor of Technical Communication, University of Houston-Downtown Conference Committee, Proposal Scoring, Individual Proposal Liaison, Zoom Moderator Dan Seward Senior Lecturer, Department of English, Ohio State University Conference Advisor (Past Chair) Mary Lourdes Silva Associate Professor of Writing/Director of First-Year Composition, Ithaca College Proposal Scoring, Sponsor Recruitment, and Panel Moderator Elle Tyson Assistant Director, ePortfolios and Digital Initiatives, Old Dominion University Exhibitor Recruitment, Website Maintenance Meghan Velez Assistant Professor of Communication, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide Plenary Recruitment, IDEA subcommittee, and Zoom Moderator |