Stylized green and purple 'G' with "Global Society of Online Literacy Educators" in purple.

Just-In-Time Contributors

Thank you Just-In-Time volunteers!

When the COVID-19 pandemic forced universities across the globe to turn to online-only coursework, the GSOLE members below come forward to volunteer their time to help colleagues less familiar with online course work. We want to thank them for taking time out of their already-busy schedules to help others--and to help GSOLE achieve its mission. 

Just-in-Time Coordinators

Amy Cicchino

Resource Development

Jenae Cohn

Walk-in Webinars

Miranda Egger

Just Ask GSOLE

Dan Seward

Just-in-Time Hub Website Curator

Mary Stewart

Walk-in Webinars

Walk-in Webinar Hosts

These hosts have led sessions in the past, and some may be available for future sessions. Feel free to request a Walk-in Webinar session through the Just Ask GSOLE page.

Collin Bjork

Areas of expertise: Asynchronous pedagogies, synchronous teaching via Zoom, course design, peer review, discussion forums

Jen Cunningham

Areas of expertise: Blackboard, asynchronous discussion, peer review, course design

Kevin Depew

Areas of expertise: Synchronous video (Zoom, WebEx), Google Suite, collaboration

Miranda Egger

Areas of expertise: Canvas, relationship-building, designing materials in multiple media for accessibility and engagement

Heidi Skurat Harris

Areas of expertise: Mobile learning, Google Suite, synchronous, accessibility, graduate education

Lyra Hilliard

Areas of expertise: Teaching synchronously in Zoom/ WebEx and Google Docs, Canvas, asynchronous discussions, collaboration.

Cat Mahaffey

Areas of expertise: Canvas, Google tools, asynchronous discussion, creating accessible online content

Dan Seward

Areas of expertise: Canvas, Google Sites, asynchronous discussion design, recording and sharing videos (instructors and students), planning and implementing online organizational conferences

Jason Snart

Areas of expertise: Blackboard, User-centered design, Google tools, facilitating collaboration, OWI/OLI principles

Mary Stewart

Areas of expertise: Synchronous learning (Zoom, Google Docs), peer review, asynchronous discussion, Desire2Learn

Scott Warnock

Areas of expertise: Blackboard, asynchronous discussion, OWI/OLI principles

Other Just-In-Time Contributors




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