Write for OLORGSOLE’s Online Literacy Open Resources (OLOR) includes three distinct publications:
OLOR strives to include contributions from diverse voices, including graduate students and contingent faculty who bear the labor of online teaching at many institutions across the globe, and as a global organization, we value international perspectives on OLI. Click on the title banners to the right to learn more about each publication and its expectations for submissions. |
About OLOR Effective Practices (EP)The goal of OLOR Effective Practices is to publish relatively brief and practical pedagogical and administrative strategies. Busy online literacy teachers, tutors, and administrators can read an OLOR EP publication and, within a few days, try out a strategy for themselves. The OLOR EP is designed to show GSOLE’s Online Literacy Instruction Principles and Tenets in action. OLOR Effective Practices SubmissionsWe encourage potential authors to browse OLOR Effective Practices to see what has already been published and to get a sense of style, scope, and aim for their potential publication. OLOR publications are peer reviewed and authors will receive mentoring assistance by the editors. We encourage submissions that make creative use of multimedia, including screenshots and video captures. We like ideas that are fresh and that might provide a new teaching strategy or technique, even for seasoned online writing instructors. To submit for publication in the OLOR Effective Practices, please download and complete THIS FORM. Email submissions to: olor@gsole.org Support for OLOR Effective Practices writersGSOLE currently has an open call inviting authors to apply for the Effective Practices IDEA Innovator award to develop online literacy instruction articles that support more equitable, accessible, and inclusive online teaching practices. Recipients will receive $350 and will publish their instructional work in Effective Practices. To be considered for the IDEA Innovator award, please fill out this brief form. Email submissions to: olor@gsole.org |
About ROLEResearch in Online Literacy Education (ROLE) is a peer-reviewed digital journal published by the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators (GSOLE). ROLE publishes original research and scholarship in literacy-based online education, including online program administration, teaching, and tutoring. The mission of ROLE is to promote diversity, inclusivity, and access in online literacy education; to build a platform for scholarly conversation that connects reading, writing, and digital composition; to support multimedia scholarship and publish work that includes multimodal forms of digital research and presentation; and to bring together researchers and practitioners across the disciplines to improve the teaching of disciplinary content using multiple literacies. ROLE SubmissionsUnlike some of the other publication venues supported by GSOLE, ROLE asks authors to submit a full, complete draft that adheres to the following guidelines:
We ask this because it helps our readers and editors to provide more targeted feedback to assist in the publication process. Our goal is to support new and seasoned authors with a publication process that is both collaborative and generative in a way that allows all parties involved to learn from the editorial work. Even if ultimately your work isn’t published with ROLE, we want to provide a review experience that will help improve your work so that you can find the venue best suited to your work’s intended audience and scope. |
About OLOR ReviewsFrom 2018-2020, Research in Online Literacy Education(ROLE), a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by the GSOLE as part of its Online Literacies Open Resource (OLOR), also published reviews of books and technologies related to online literacy education. Newer reviews will be added under the OLOR Reviews series hosted on this page. OLOR Reviews SubmissionsOLOR book reviews provide new information on traditional literacy, evolving literacies, digital pedagogies, and/or intersections from related disciplines. Your audience will be instructors who are looking for ways to enhance their knowledge of digital literacies in online education settings, including writing programs, writing-enhanced disciplinary courses, and writing centers/studios. Ideally, you will be reviewing a book that you think makes a valuable contribution to understandings of digital literacies. If you have discovered a recent book that you think is relevant to GSOLE’s mission, please let us know. If you want to contribute a review but have no specific book in mind, let us know your interests, and we will suggest a book. If you are interested in doing a book review for OLOR, please contact us at <olor@gsole.org> |