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Scott Warnock Practitioner Award

2025 Call for Proposals

GSOLE Research Grant | Hewett Dissertation Award | Warnock Practitioner Award | Past Grant Winners

About the Scott Warnock Practitioner Award

The Scott Warnock Practitioner Award celebrates outstanding teaching and learning support in the field of Online Writing Instruction (i.e., instructors, tutors, staff members, educational developers). This award seeks to make visible the best practices in OWI and to honor those who work to improve the lives of students in their classes across modalities.

Applicants should submit the following items: 

  1. Title page

  2. Abstract (1-2 pages) *Anonymized 

  3. Dissertation Reflection: A short written document (or audio/video recording) in which the author explains the relevance of their dissertation and how it connects to the criteria of the award. 

  4. Full Dissertation: Include a complete copy of your dissertation in a separate attachment.

Proposal Format and Criteria

Step 1: Nominations

The committee welcomes nominations (both self nominations and otherwise).

Step 2: Nominated instructors send materials to the committee

Application materials will be reviewed for the following:

  • Name, email, brief description of nomination
  • Teaching/Instructional philosophy (no more than 1,000 words) that aligns with criteria 
  • Supporting documents (provides evidence of how peda-/andragogy is enacted, e.g., selections from syllabi, trademark assignments, other teaching materials that illustrate teaching approaches) (no more than 10 pages) 
  • Curriculum vitae Letter of Support from a colleague about the nominee’s acumen; or an Observation report demonstrating the practices from the philosophy 

Submission Instructions

Please compile items into a single attachment and send your submission email by September 1, 2025 to <> with subject line: Practitioner Award

Use of research-informed practices, including but not limited to connections to OLOR Effective Practices, GSOLE OLI Principles, and research in the field of OWI Demonstration of an inclusive and equity-minded teaching approaches and assessments that consider multiplicity of background and language Evidence of innovation in teaching practices that contribute to new ways of thinking about OWI or multimodal writing instruction Illustration of a supportive and student-centered learning environment through their pedagogical approach.

Materials demonstrate...


3 = to a high degree

2 = some evidence 

1= little evidence  

0 = not at all 

Research- Informed Practices

Extensive knowledge and application of best practices and contemporary theories around learning and pedagogy.

Some awareness of best practices and contemporary theories around learning and pedagogy.

Demonstrates little awareness of contemporary theories around learning and pedagogy.

There is no engagement in theory or research present. 

Inclusivity & Equity

A strong commitment to inclusive pedagogies and learning support. 

Several documents illustrate a strong commitment to inclusive pedagogies and learning support.

Some documents illustrate a strong commitment to inclusive pedagogies and learning support.

There is no clear commitment to inclusivity and equity demonstrated. 

Innovation & Contribution 

Innovation in areas of curriculum, student-interaction, etc. Meaningful contributions to the fields’ practices.

Some innovation in areas of curriculum, student-interaction, etc. Meaningful contributions to the fields’ practices.

Little innovation in areas of curriculum, student-interaction, etc. Meaningful contributions to the fields’ practices.

There is no clear innovation or contribution demonstrated. 

Student- Centeredness 

The implementation of student-led activities; the promotion of student engagement and active learning.

Some implementation of activities that center student voice and engagement. 

Little implementation of activities that center student voice and engagement. 

There is no clear student-centeredness demonstrated. 

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