Stylized green and purple 'G' with "Global Society of Online Literacy Educators" in purple.


The Global Society of Online Literacy Educators (GSOLE) is an international organization connecting those who teach reading, alphabetic writing, and multimodal composition as digital literacies in online educational settings. Dedicated to diversity, inclusivity, and access in literacy-based online education, GSOLE disseminates peer-reviewed research and information through its annual meeting, online conference, research support, educational and community-building webinars, website, and two open-access online journals, Research in Online Literacy Education (ROLE) and the Online Literacy Open Resource (OLOR), as well as planned online literacy certification programs.

As an organization, GSOLE recognizes that online literacy instruction (OLI) in reading, alphabetic writing, and multimodal composition is taught in traditional and digital settings, engaging teachers and scholars of reading and composing across a range of disciplines. This document is intended for OLI educators, including both teachers and tutors, their program administrators, and other stakeholders. The purpose of these principles is to establish a set of shared values related to the development of sound instruction.

Founding Documents and Formative Statements

Founding Members

Kirk St. Amant, PhD, Louisiana Tech University and the University of Limerick
Laura Arduser, PhD, University of Cincinnati 

Amanda Bemer, PhD, Southwest Minnesota State University
Jessie Borgman, Texas Tech University
Collin Bjork, PhD, Indiana University
Nick Carbone, Carbone Research and Writing
Kelli Cargile Cook, PhD, Texas Tech University
Keith Comer, PhD, Massey University (New Zealand)
Mary De Nora, Texas Tech University
Donna Evans, PhD, Eastern Oregon University
Theresa M. Evans, PhD, Miami University
Michael S. Greer, MA, ABD, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Heidi Harris, PhD, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Dayna Herrington, MA, Walden University
Beth L. Hewett, PhD, Independent Scholar & Defend & Publish, LLC
Alice Horning, PhD, Oakland University
Trent M Kays, PhD, Hampton University
Barry Maid, PhD, Arizona State University
Diane L. Martinez, PhD, Western Carolina University
Casey McArdle, PhD, Michigan State University
Lisa Meloncon, PhD, University of Cincinnati
Elizabeth A. Monske, PhD, Northern Michigan University
Emily Nye, PhD, Independent Scholar
Sushil K. Oswal, PhD, University of Washington
Rich Rice, PhD, Texas Tech University
Rochelle (Shelley) Rodrigo, PhD, The University of Arizona
Duane Roen, PhD, Arizona State University
Yvonne​ Wade Sanchez, Texas Tech University
Dan Seward, PhD, Ohio State University
Jason Snart, PhD, College of DuPage
Scott Warnock, PhD, Drexel University

Daneryl Weber, PhD, SUNY Sullivan Community College

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