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Reminder: November Webinar Series Event!

4 Oct 2022 1:35 PM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

The 2022-2023 GSOLE Webinar Series November Event

2022-2023 Webinar Series Globalising literacies: Fostering engagement and innovation in HyFlex instruction During the COVID-19 pandemic, higher education stakeholders scrambled to develop processes for effective online learning. Some of these processes drew on established practices; many did not. In this webinar, presenters will provide an active forum for faculty, staff, and administrators to reflect on digital practices enacted before, during, and after the pandemic. Throughout, participants will consider what positionalities and factors influence how administrators, faculty, students, and other stakeholders define “digital ethics" and identify the results of the rapid shift to online and hybrid learning in their contexts. Facilitators will then share ethically sound strategies for addressing digital teaching and learning practices, using our work with eportfolios to offer several exemplary cases. REGISTER TODAY:

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