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IWCA Outstanding Article Award

4 Jun 2024 6:45 AM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

Members of the Writing Center community are invited to nominate articles about writing center theory, practice, research, and history for the IWCA Outstanding Article Award. The IWCA Outstanding Article Award is presented at the IWCA Annual Conference. Please note the policies, criteria, and nominating process below.


  • Nominated publications must be dated within the calendar year for which awards are being considered. 

  • Publications may appear in print or digital venues.

  • The IWCA welcomes submissions from scholars and researchers at all stages of their academic careers, including undergraduate students, graduate students, and adjuncts, but notes that all submissions will be evaluated in the same way and with the same criteria.

  • Self-nominations are not accepted, and each nominator can submit one nomination only.

  • Nominees should be IWCA members in good standing. For work with multiple authors, at least one author should be a current IWCA member.

  • If the nominated individual is not a current member, the Awards Committee will reach out to see if they want to be considered.


  • The article being nominated must have been published during the year preceding the nomination year. For example, articles nominated for the 2024 award must have been published in 2023. 

  • The publication addresses one or more issues of long-term interest to writing center administrators, theorists, and/or practitioners.

  • The publication discusses theories, practices, or policies that contribute to a richer understanding of writing center theory and practice.

  • The publication shows sensitivity toward the situated contexts in which writing centers exist and operate.

  • The publication makes a significant contribution to the scholarship of and research on writing centers.

  • The publication will serve as a strong representative of the scholarship of and research on writing centers.

  • The publication embodies the qualities of compelling and meaningful writing.

Nomination Process

All nominations must be submitted through this Google form. Nominations include a letter or statement of no more than 400 words outlining how the work being nominated meets the award criteria below. All articles and chapters will be evaluated using the same criteria. We encourage writing center scholars and practitioners at all levels to nominate works that they have found impactful. Nominations are due by June 1st, 2024. The winner will be announced at the 2024 IWCA Online Conference. Questions about the award or nominating process should be sent to the IWCA Awards Chairs, Chessie Alberti ( and Kat Bell (


2023: Wonderful Faison and Frankie Condon, editors. Counterstories From the Writing Center. Utah State UP, 2022.

2022: Travis Webster, Queerly Centered: LGBTQA Writing Center Directors Navigate the Workplace. Utah State University Press, 2021.

2021: Shannon Madden, Michele Eodice, Kirsten T. Edwards, and Alexandria Lockett, editors. Learning from the Lived Experiences of Graduate Student Writers. Utah State University Press, 2020.

2020: Laura Greenfield,Radical Writing Center Praxis: A Paradigm for Ethical Political Engagement. Utah State University Press, 2019.

2019:Jo Mackiewicz,Writing Center Talk Over Time: A Mixed-Methods Study. Routledge, 2018. Print.

Harry C. Denny, Robert Mundy, Liliana M. Naydan, Richard Sévère, and Anna Sicari (Editors),Out in the Center: Public Controversies and Private Struggles. Logan: Utah State UP, 2018. Print.

2018: R. Mark Hall,Around the Texts of Writing Center Work Logan: Utah State UP, 2017. Print.

2017: Nikki Caswell, Rebecca Jackson, and Jackie Grutsch McKinney.The Working Lives of Writing Center Directors. Logan: Utah State UP, 2016. Print.

Jackie Grutsch McKinney.Strategies for Writing Center Research. Parlor Press, 2016.

2016: Tiffany Rousculp.Rhetoric of Respect. NCTE Press, SWR Series. 2015.

2014: Jackie Grutsch McKinney.Peripheral Visions for Writing Centers. Logan: Utah State UP, 2013. Print.

2012:Laura Greenfield and Karen Rowan (Editors).Writing Centers and the New Racism: A Call for Sustainable Dialogue and Change. Logan: Utah State UP, 2011. Print.

2010: Neal Lerner.The Idea of a Writing Laboratory. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2009. Print.

2009: Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce (Editors).Creative Approaches to Writing Center Work.Cresskill: Hampton, 2008. Print.

2008: William J. Macauley, Jr., and Nicholas Mauriello (Editors).Marginal Words, Marginal Work?: Tutoring the Academy in the Work of Writing Centers. Cresskill: Hampton, 2007. Print.

2007: Richard Kent.A Guide to Creating a Student-Staffed Writing Center: Grades 6-12. New York: Peter Lang, 2006. Print.

2006: Candace Spigelman and Laurie Grobman (Editors).On Location: Theory and Practice in Classroom-Based Writing Tutoring. Logan: Utah State UP, 2005. Print.

2005: Shanti Bruce and Ben Rafoth (Editors).ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman/Boynton-Cook, 2004. Print.

2004: Michael A. Pemberton and Joyce Kinkead (Editors).The Center Will Hold: Critical Perspectives on Writing Center Scholarship. Logan: Utah State UP, 2003. Print.

2003: Paula Gillespie, Alice Gillam, Lady Falls Brown, and Byron Stay (Editors).Writing Center Research: Extending the Conversation. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002. Print.

2002: Jane Nelson and Kathy Evertz (Editors).The Politics of Writing Centers. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman/BoyntonCook, 2001. Print.

2001: Cindy Johanek.Composing Research: A Contextualist Paradigm for Rhetoric and Composition.Logan: Utah State UP, 2000. Print.

2000: Nancy Maloney Grimm.Good Intentions: Writing Center Work for Postmodern Times. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman/Boynton-Cook, 1999. Print.

1999: Eric Hobson (Editor).Wiring the Writing Center. Logan: Utah State UP, 1998. Print.

1997: Christina Murphy, Joe Law, and Steve Sherwood (Editors).Writing Centers: An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996. Print.

1996: Joe Law & Christina Murphy, eds.,Landmark Essays on Writing Centers. Davis, CA: Hermagoras, 1995. Print.

1995: Joan A. Mullin and Ray Wallace (Editors).Intersections: Theory-Practice in the Writing Center. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1994. Print.

1991: Jeanne Simpson and Ray Wallace (Editors). The Writing Center: New Directions. New York: Garland, 1991. Print.

1990: Pamela B. Farrell.The High School Writing Center: Establishing and Maintaining One. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1989. Print.

1989: Jeanette Harris and Joyce Kinkead (Editors). Computers, Computers, Computers. Special issue of Writing Center Journal 10.1 (1987). Print.

1988: Muriel Harris.Teaching One-to-One: The Writing Conference. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1986. Print.

1987: Irene Lurkis Clark.Writing in the Center: Teaching in a Writing Center Setting. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1985. Print.

1985: Donald A. McAndrew and Thomas J. Reigstad.Training Tutors for Writing Conferences. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1984. Print.

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