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We invite the CGC membership to explore “Change, Adaptation, and Engagement in Graduate Communication” at our annual Summer Institute (SI). In keeping with our recent practice of alternating in-person and virtual SIs to serve the access needs and mode preferences of all CGC members, we are excited to meet virtually in 2024, generously hosted by Purdue University.
This theme of “Change, Adaptation, and Engagement” speaks to what is new and what persists in our work with graduate students as emerging professional communicators in their respective fields and career paths. We will explore the various institutional, programmatic, disciplinary, and technological changes we have been navigating in graduate communication and will share our diverse experiences of adapting to emergent trends and technologies and using them within disciplinary conventions and pedagogies. We will also consider the nature and practice of engagement across the various pedagogical, professional, social, political, and technological domains that inform graduate communication.