2025 Conference Information
Theme: Humans, Non-Humans, and Humanities
Dates: Asynchronous presentations will be available Saturday, February 1, 2025; Synchronous presentations will take place Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7, 2025
Format: The conference will take place asynchronously via the GSOLE website and synchronously via Zoom.
Questions for conference organizers? Email Kevin DePew at vice-president@gsole.org
The Global Society of Online Literacy Educators (GSOLE) invites proposals for its eighth annual online international conference. This event will be hosted online with the following schedule:
- Asynchronous presentations open on Saturday, February 1, 2024
- Synchronous presentations begin on Thursday, February 6, and Friday, February 7, 2025.
Online literacy education is an enduring and emerging field of practice and research. Our annual conference creates space for us to take stock of what we know, what we’ve learned, what has changed, and what remains the same. To that end, our conference aligns with GSOLE’s overarching mission and goals:
- Promote literacy as the core of teaching and learning, no matter the delivery method-–online, hybrid, or face-to-face
- Ensure that online literacy education is accessible and inclusive for all students and educators
- Amplify voices of all online educators, regardless of department or disciplinary affiliation, including students and writing center and writing program staff
- Foster discussions across cultures, environments, time zones, and disciplines
The growing prevalence of generative artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and robotics is changing how we learn and teach literacy. These emerging technologies raise questions about authorship, creativity, and the role of human educators in an AI-enhanced world. Moreover, many of the digital components of the communication technologies that students and instructors use for online literacy courses also shape interaction in social media spaces.
This year’s theme "Humans, Non-Humans, and Humanity" invites participants to explore the evolving dynamics between human beings, non-human entities, and the broader concept of humanity within the context of online literacy education. This theme encompasses a wide range of topics that explore how AI affords users the ability to act on feelings of goodwill--or on their fears, anxieties, and biases.
See Conference CFP as a full text document.
Click here for the Conference Submission Form
Use the links below to navigate to different sections of the conference call-for-proposals: