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  • Webinar: "Reflective Writing in HyFlex Instruction: From Gaining Self-Knowledge and Identity to Building Empathy and a Safe Learning Community" presented by Kitty S. C. Burroughs

Webinar: "Reflective Writing in HyFlex Instruction: From Gaining Self-Knowledge and Identity to Building Empathy and a Safe Learning Community" presented by Kitty S. C. Burroughs

  • 31 Mar 2023
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Online in Zoom
  • 54


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"Reflective Writing in HyFlex Instruction: From Gaining Self-Knowledge and Identity to Building Empathy and a Safe Learning Community" presented by Kitty S. C. Burroughs     

The third session in the 2022-2023 GSOLE Webinar Series


This webinar will focus on a series of scaffolded reflective writing assignments through retrospection and introspection. Reflective writing can help students to reflect on their literacy development, and to discover who they are and their place in a writing classroom—a critical juncture for self-identity and self-worth needed for learning and growth. Beyond helping students acquire self-knowledge and awareness of their literacy experiences, reflective writing can assist students to develop a sense of belonging as a community of writers. Informed by threshold concepts of writing (Adler-Kassner & Wardle 2015), student dispositions (Driscoll & Wells 2012), and writing transfer (Nowacek 2011), Burroughs will demonstrate how instructors can design reflective writing assignments that are geared toward helping students reflect on their past literacy experiences as well as their current thoughts and feelings about reading and writing. Burroughs will also share the discoveries, challenges, and rewards revealed in her students’ reflections. Participants will:

  • develop a better understanding of reflective writing and its potential to promote high level of engagement in writing
  • consider an inclusive pedagogy that creates a safe space for inquiry and community building
  • learn to consider ways of creating reflective writing assignments
  • be presented with methods of assessment that privileges inclusion


Dr. Kitty S. C. Burroughs is a Teaching Professor in the Department of English at Bowling Green State University, where she also serves as Associate Director of the University Writing Program. She is a Rhetoric and Writing professional with administrative and teaching expertise. Her experience includes curriculum development and assessment, program administration, placement testing, and teacher training. Dr. Burroughs has taught first-year composition, as well as undergraduate and graduate Writing Studies courses, both online and in-person, and has a track record in working with and advocating for multilingual and international students in the classroom, collaborative work, and research.

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