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  • 28 Jul 2020 10:23 AM | Daniel Seward

    The July Executive Board meeting was busy and productive. Here are some important outcomes:

    New Website Address Approved

    When GSOLE was first founded in 2016, the most logical domain name, <>, was not available. Now it is! The board approved the acquisition of this domain, which will house a refurbished website including fuller member services. The migration will take place early in August 2020.

    New Individual Membership Rates Approved

    The board approved a new fee schedule for annual individual memberships, which includes reduced rates. Here’s I the new fee schedule:

    • Student/Contingent Members: $20
    • Regular Members (pre-tenure or full-time non-tenured faculty and administrators): $30
    • Sustaining Members (tenured faculty and executive-level administrators: $50

    Jude Miller to serve as New Member and Communication Officer

    Jude Miller was approved to replace Kim Fahle-Peck as Membership and Communication Officer. We want to welcome Jude, who has also been added to the OLOR editorial board. We also want to express our appreciate to Kim for her excellent service to GSOLE over the past two year. Thanks Kim!

    2020-21 Webinar Series Approved

    In response to this summer’s vocal demonstrations about the need to address racial inequities head-on, Webinar Co-chairs Jenae Cohn and Mary Stewart have put together an excellent program on antiracist online pedagogies. To see the full list of speakers, please visit the GSOLE Webinar Series home page.

    Certification Program Offering a Two-Course Basic OLI Certificate.

    Following a successful pilot program this summer, Certification Co-Chairs Kevin Depew and Amy Cicchino proposed a two-course Basic OLI Certificate curriculum for the 2020-2021 Academic Year. The board approved the appointment of instructors for the program. For more information, visit the GSOLE Certification hub.

  • 30 Jun 2020 10:53 AM | Daniel Seward

    Some important outcomes of the June Executive Board meeting:

    New Executive Board Members Welcomed

    In July, Meghan Velez and Pavel Zemliansky will join the Executive Board as At-large members, starting two-year terms. In addition, Jennifer Burke Reifman will join the Executive Committee as Secretary. Along with these new members joining the Board, the following Board members will shift positions, starting new two-year terms at the beginning of July:

    • Scott Warnock will move from President to Immediate Past President.

    • Dan Seward will move from Vice President to President.

    • Cat Mahaffey will move from Treasurer to Vice President.

    • Tess Evans will move from Secretary to Treasurer.

    Finally, founding President Beth Hewett will exit the role of Immediate Past President, while remaining engaged in GSOLE as a member of the Research Support Committee. The entire Board would like to thank Beth for efforts in launching GSOLE and for her early leadership of the organization. Thanks Beth!

    GSOLE Statement on Antiracist OLI Approved

    To reaffirm GSOLE’s commitment to access and inclusion in online education, the Executive Board approved a Statement on Antiracist OLI Pedagogy and Administration. Discussions are already underway for how GSOLE can support this important movement with real action, in particular, to diversify the organizational leadership and representation in GSOLE programs and membership. Toward that end, Webinar Committee Chairs Jenae Cohn and Mary Stewart proposed inviting scholars of antiracist pedagogies to lead GSOLE’s 2020-21 webinar series, as opposed to making an open call. Given the demands on these important scholars at this crucial moment, the Board approved offering honoraria for invited webinar leaders.

    Certification Program Pilot Underway

    At the end of May, the Certification Committee announced they would begin a free pilot program for a handful of GSOLE members. The pilot includes 10 students and will provide a useful test run of the certification’s course-contract and ePortofolio methodologies before the program starts in earnest this Autumn. Some key questions remain for discussion at the next Board meeting, including the cost of the program and how certification program instructors will be appointed and supported.

    Jude Miller and Jen Cunningham Approved for the OLOR Editorial Board

    Jason Snart, editor for the Online Literacies Open Resource (OLOR), proposed Jude Miller and Jun Cunningham for the OLOR editorial board. The Executive Board unanimously approved the appointments.

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