The CCCC Online Writing Instruction (OWI) Standing
Group Invites GSOLE Members to Attend
Webinars in OWI Research
The CCCC Online Writing Instruction (OWI) standing group would like to invite you to the first of several webinars which are part of our new Webinars in OWI Research series. We plan to hold these two in spring and another two this fall.
A special thanks to Kevin DePew for leading this Webinars in OWI Research working group.
Contact Kevin ( if you’d like to get involved in this working group. To learn
more about all of our working groups please visit our
To learn more about all of our working groups please visit our website:
Jessie Borgman
OWI Standing Group Chair

Upcoming Presentations
Presentation Title: A User-Centered Approach to Researching Student Needs in Synchronous Online Classes
Speaker: Meghalee Das, Texas Tech University
Presentation Description: This webinar discusses the application of user experience (UX) research methodologies to studying the needs of students in synchronous online classes conducted over video conferencing platforms like Zoom. It particularly focuses on methods like user journey maps, environment analysis, surveys, interviews, and affinity diagramming. The webinar also presents the preliminary results of a survey conducted on international students, where participants shared their experiences in online classes, and the instructor qualities and inclusive classroom practices they valued the most.
Speaker Bio: Meghalee Das is a PhD candidate in Technical Communication and Rhetoric at
Texas Tech University (TTU). She teaches first-year composition and technical writing courses in face-to-face and online formats, and also serves as an instructional development consultant. Her research interests include user experience (UX), cultural inclusivity, online instructional design, and digital rhetoric. She has authored chapters in key edited collections and the custom textbook used by the TTU English Department's technical writing courses, and her articles have appeared in Technical Communication, Programmatic Perspectives, and Intercom. For her dissertation, she studies the UX of international students in online learning environments to develop culturally-inclusive and user-centered pedagogical strategies.
Time: May 3, 2023 1:30-2:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 932 3665 9157
Passcode: 787184

Presentation Title: Always Doing More: Examining Writing Program Administrator approaches to Online Writing Instruction & Professional Development
Speaker: Melvin Beavers
Presentation Description: Within Beavers’ 2018 study of 10 WPAs, the participants indicated when asked to describe their role as WPA, that their role(s) was layered, or not easily pinned down to one thing or another. What emerged, as a result, was a theme that he termed “Administrative Rhetorical Mindfulness”, based in part on the repeated interview phrase, “a desire to do more”. This presentation will present an overview of the mixed method research design followed with a review of the findings, discussion of themes, and a reflection of the choices made to ultimately gain a greater awareness about the professional development landscape for online writing instruction.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Melvin E. Beavers (he, him, his) currently serves as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion fellow at the University of Arkansas Little Rock. Additionally, he is an Assistant Professor and served as the First-Year Writing Director in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing from 2019-2022. His research interests involve DEI training and facilitating, writing program administration, composition pedagogy, online literacy instruction, rhetorical theory, and popular culture studies. He teaches first-year writing and a variety of upper-level writing courses. His work has been published in Academic Labor: Research and Artistry, the WPA Symposium on Black Lives Matter, and an edited collection entitled, Pedagogical Perspectives on Cognition and Writing. Additionally, Dr. Beavers has recently been awarded an Inclusive Leadership Certificate from Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education.
Time: April 24, 2023 3:00-4:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 969 9584 0892
Passcode: 203304