Stylized green and purple 'G' with "Global Society of Online Literacy Educators" in purple.



  • 6 Sep 2024 10:27 AM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

    The Global Society of Online Literacy Educators (GSOLE) highlights the latest issue of Research in Online Literacy Education (ROLE). The 4.1 issue kicks off with “To Boldy Continue ROLE’s Mission: A Letter from the Editor” by Ashlyn C. Walden, bridging the worlds of Star Trek and online literacy education. Walden calls upon readers “to explore strange new worlds of digital pedagogies,” generating excitement for what’s ahead in this issue.

    Check out the recent issue by scanning the QR code or visiting the ROLE webpage:

    Image of ROLE: Research in Online Literacy Education Issue 4.1 "To Boldly Continue ROLE's Mission: A Letter from the Editor" Ashlyn C. Walden

  • 2 Sep 2024 9:44 AM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

    Coming Tuesday, September 3! 

    Register now at the link below! All are welcome!

    Click here to register now!Promotional image for the September GSOLE Cyber Salon; image feature a retro-futurist cartoon of humans sitting in curved, red chairs around a digital device with a screen looking up at the Cyber Salon text.

  • 29 Aug 2024 8:26 AM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

    AI-Powered Active Learning: 10 Strategies for Engaging Writers Online
    Featuring Traci Gardner

    Click here to register now!

    Image of flyer promoting Webinar for "AI-Powered Active Learning: 10 Strategies for Engaging Writers Online Featuring Traci Gardner "

    Click here for the PDF version of this flyer with full accessibility features.

  • 15 Jul 2024 2:22 PM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

    The Affiliates Committee is now soliciting proposals from current GSOLE members who would like to take part in a GSOLE-sponsored panel at the 2025 International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference in Fort Collins, CO. Find more information about the IWAC Conference Here. 

    GSOLE's sponsored panel will be guaranteed acceptance to the IWAC 2025 program. To be considered for inclusion on this panel, please complete this form with your contact information and a brief (150-word) description of your proposed contribution to the panel. We also welcome full panel proposals of 500 words, provided that all proposed panelists are GSOLE members. 

    IWAC submissions will be due in the fall; therefore, we request all GSOLE proposals by August 20th. Chosen participants will be notified before proposal submission to confirm. 

    Please contact with any questions. We look forward to reading your proposals! 

  • 10 Jul 2024 7:39 AM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

    GSOLE invites you to volunteer for the Conference Planning Committee. Each year, GSOLE offers a virtual conference in February, and this important virtual gathering is only possible because of generous volunteers. Any active GSOLE member can join the committee. To join, we ask that you complete this brief Conference Committee Member survey, which will help us identify the best way to contact you and learn about your workflow preferences and needs. We realize that our community thrives when we have different perspectives and points of view serving on this committee and hope if you have the interest and bandwidth, you’ll consider joining us!


    Conference Committee members will have a voice in shaping and promoting the call for proposals, reviewing presentation proposals, designing the conference experience and preparation materials, and facilitating conference sessions during the conference event. Want to just join us for part of this preparation work? That’s great! We’ll take whatever help you are willing to give whenever you are willing to give it. On the survey you can indicate what project you’d like to be involved in and when you can volunteer.


    Thank you for your support, labor, and expertise. Whether or not you choose to join the committee, we hope you will join us at the conference in February. 



    Conference Planning Committee Co-Chair, Kevin DePew

  • 9 Jul 2024 7:47 AM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

    GSOLE Joins Pedagogue Audio Texts Project

    Dr. Shane Wood’s Audio Texts project is committed to making writing studies research accessible to audiences inside and outside higher education by inviting authors to read and record audio versions of their publications. If you have published in OLOR Effective Practices journal (editor Jason Snart), Research in Online Literacy Education journal (editors Ashlyn Walden and Michelle Stucky), and OLOR Reviews (editor Beatrice Newman) and are willing to create an audio-version of your work, please let Dr. Wood know. Learn more about the project and the process for recording audio versions of your work at this Audio Texts Project website.

    Screenshot of the Pedagogue Audio Project Website featuring some "listen on" various platform icons and embedded audio players with episodes 1 and 2 featured

  • 2 Jul 2024 9:22 AM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

    Call for Proposals—2024 CCCC Fall Virtual Institute: Machine Writing and the Work of Rhetoric and Composition 

    Institute Date: October 23, 2024

    Proposal Deadline: August 9, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. ET

    We’re excited to invite group (4–5 speakers) and individual roundtable proposals for the first-ever one-day CCCC Fall Virtual Institute, devoted to critical conversations on wicked problems challenging rhetoric and composition. This year, we seek roundtable discussions that build on current conversations about machine learning and writing.

    We imagine this event differently than a virtual conference that replicates in-person CCCC. Rather, the CCCC Fall Virtual Institute is a space for provocative presentations of ideas, focused writing, and small-group interactions. Each roundtable session will work as a foundation of provocation that will inspire attendees to write, compose, reflect, and move new or existing projects forward. By the end of the conference, the results of the conversation will be distributed to CCCC members. We consider this institute an opportunity to learn in the community.

    The event will feature eight roundtable sessions on machine writing, two on each of the four larger areas of interest that machine learning challenges: theory, pedagogy, assessment, and administration. The day will include four participant-created roundtables and four chair-created roundtables with no special distinction made between them. Each panel, whether participant-created or chair-created, will have opportunities to collaborate with each other and the co-chairs before the event. Those submitting proposals for individual roles will be placed in a chair-created roundtable.

    The GSOLE community is interested in collaborating on a panel proposal for the 2024 CCCC Fall Virtual Institute on machine writing in rhetoric and composition, which will be held on Oct. 23, 2024.

    If you want to join in on the proposal, please email:
    Justin Cary

    by July 20

    with a short summary of the role you’d like to play on the roundtable.

  • 25 Jun 2024 6:45 AM | Justin Cary (Administrator)

    Submit proposals here by Monday, July 15, 2024

    The Global Society of Online Literacy Educators, an organization dedicated to supporting teacher-scholars and tutors who teach hybrid, online, and/or in person, invites everyone (both GSOLE Members and non-members) to submit proposals for our upcoming Webinar Series: AI in Online Literacy Instruction. 

    GSOLE's webinars are designed to spark conversation, provide professional development, share ideas, and build community. Webinar recordings are made available to GSOLE members in an online archive, and webinar leaders are encouraged to transform their webinar topics into ROLE or OLOR Effective Practices publications. Webinars are:

    • Led by a single presenter or a small group

    • 60–90 minutes long

    • Combinations of theory and practice with actionable plans for instructors, tutors, and others

    • Interactive presentations, engaging attendees

    In this series, we’re asking presenters to consider any of the following topics surrounding AI use in writing classrooms and in the writing center, including but not limited to:

    • AI and writing feedback/revision

    • AI and issues of language, race, or gender

    • The future of AI in online writing instruction (OWI)

    • Productive uses of AI in writing classes and writing centers

    • Visual rhetoric & AI

    • Development of AI policies

    • Pedagogical approaches to AI

    • Intersections of AI and genre

    • AI ethics

    • Supporting AI literacy

    • The future of AI in online education

    • And more! 

    If you are interested in presenting a webinar on one of these topics:

    By Monday, July 15, 2024, please submit the following information to this form:

    1. All presenter names and emails

    2. A tentative Webinar Title

    3. Your desired Webinar Months

    4. A 500-word proposal that includes details on what the webinar will cover, how this proposal relates to the theme, a description of the interactive components of the webinar, and 4-5 intended outcomes for participants.

    Upon acceptance, you will work with the co-chairs to schedule your webinar. You will meet (virtually) with the committee/co-chairs one month in advance of your webinar, and then again a few days prior to the webinar, to coordinate logistics. The committee will provide technical support and are happy to help you prepare for the webinar. Presenters are also encouraged to to transform webinars into publications for GSOLE’s OLOREffective Practices orROLE.

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